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Business & Non-Instructional Operations (Series 3000)

Business and Non-instructional Operations

Policy # | Policy or Regulations (P, R)


3000 | P Concept and Roles in Business and Non-Instructional Operations

Budget/Budgeting System

3110 | P Planning and Priorities
3111 | P Fiscal Year
3120 | P Budget Preparation Responsibility
3150 | P Board Budget Procedures and Line Item Transfers



3250 | P/R Materials/Services, Fees, Charges
3260 | P Sales & Disposal of Books, Equipment & Supplies
3280 | P/R Gifts, Grants and Bequests


Expenditures/Expending Authority

3313 | P Relations with Vendors
3313.1 | P Local Purchasing
3313.3 | P Performance Bonds
3320 | P/R Purchasing Procedure
3323 | P Soliciting Prices (Bids and Quotations)
3324 | R Purchasing Procedure
3324.1 | R Contracts
3326.1 | P Payroll Procedures and Authorized Signatures
3326.3 | P Approval of Payment Listing



Periodic Financial Reports

3432 | P Budget and Expense Report/Annual Financial Statement
3433.1 | R Bi-Monthly Financial Statement
3434 | P Periodic Audit
3440 | P Inventories
3450 | P Monies in School Buildings
3451 | R Petty Cash Accounts
3453 | P Internal School Accounts
3454 | P/R Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Fiscal Compliance Policy and Regulation


Non-Instructional Operations

3510 | P Operation and Maintenance of Plant
3514 | P Equipment
3516 | P/R Safety
3516.1 | P Safety Inspections
3516.3 | P Accident Prevention and Reporting
3516.4 | P Bloodborne Pathogens
3517 | P/R Security of Buildings and Grounds/Keys
3517.2 | R Property Insurance
3524.1 | P Pesticide Application
3525 | P Energy Management Conservation Policy
3526 | P/R Green Cleaning Program
3527 | P Sustainability

 Fixed Charges

3532 | P/R Insurance
3533 | P Employee Bonds

Auxiliary Agencies

3541 | P/R Transportation
3541.4 | P Transportation Equipment
3541.5 | P Transportation Complaints

3542 | P   Food Service – School Lunch Service
3542.31 | P Free or Reduced Price Lunches
3542.33 | R Food Sales by Students/Others
3542.42 | R Finance
3560 | P       Capital Outlay